My interest in online learning spans over 30 years of conferences, readings, teaching and taking classes online, and researching best practices. In my current capacity as CETL Director at CCNY, I have the opportunity to impact online learning at that institution in terms of faculty development and planning. I have experience teaching both a hybrid and online course, each for eight years respectively. I also have been interested in studying the field of strategic planning, specifically how strategies might be implemented in the online arena.
This blog is about creating a vision and strategic plan for online learning. A vision is essential. Without one, like a traveler without a destination, all roads will take you there. With one, a compelling one at that, we may have a chance of implementing institutional change at any institution. A strategic plan is a road-map to that compelling destination. With the marriage of both, we have a reasonable chance of arriving at our goal.
This blog will begin with an examination of my vision and strategic plan for online. To broaden the conversation regarding online planning, other subjects will come into play: broader societal issues and technology trends, educational theory and practice, and even philosophy and business. More recently, I have taken an interest in new paradigms for learning, and how we can rethink teaching and learning in higher education. The posts will be short and focused on a specific issue. I welcome comments and feedback.
….Bruce Rosenbloom